Monday, August 3, 2009

I recently attended high school camp for a week with my amazing church. It was tons of fun and I think everyone really learned a lot! We had classes every day with some of the best teachers! The services every night were also very eye-opening. I don't think that I've ever had such a true worship to God then I did on our last might at camp. It was obvious that God was there.
We also had fun playing around and competing against each other. Every year they have the most amazing games such as; the trash can game, an insane obstacle course, 4 way tug-of-war, body part bingo, and last but not least Chair tag. Out of all of those games, chair tag is the most beloved amongst most of the students; it is also the most dangerous. Some people got bruises, twisted ankles, kicked in the head, fractured wrists...oh, wait. I got the fractured wrist. I'm not bitter or a anything, but it is slightly annoying to not be able to use my right arm. Thankfully, I don't have to wear my cast for long though; I get it off August 25, and then I have to wear a brace for 4 weeks after that. But besides getting injured, camp was one of the best that I've ever been to!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today is the day! I'm finally 15! I don't really feel much older though, but you never really feel older on your actual birthday. For me, reality doesn't really hit until a few weeks later. The good thing about turning 15 is that I get my permit! I can't wait to start driving! (even though I'll probably have to sit on some kind of cushion so I can see over the steering wheel.)

Summer has thankfully begun to pick up a little. I've learned a lot from volunteering. Helping others really shows you how selfish you can be sometimes, but it feels nice to know that a warm smile and little bit of your time can brighten someones day! As a Christian, of course we're taught that we are supposed to always be helpful and kind, yet occasionally we need a little kick to remind us that we're not the only person on the planet, even though we think we are.

I should be painting my boots soon! I have all of the supplies now, so all I have to do is paint them (then hope and pray that the paint doesn't just peel right off!) Hopefully I will finish them soon and be able to post pictures!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Well school is officially over! So I now have time to do all of the things that I didn't have time to do during the school year, but for some reason I always think I will have time now. My plans so far are not that interesting. I have the fun and mandatory band camp, as well as volunteering at a hospital. I am also planning on trying to keep my room perfectly spotless (funny, I know), and completing various projects that I've wanted to try. Like making rain boots!! I'm not actually making the boot itself of course, but I'm taking a pair of old mud boots and painting them! I'm probably a little too excited though. I'm going to paint the sole hot pink and the boot navy blue. Then, I'm going to use stencils to paint flowers up the side of the boot. I can't wait for summer to begin!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My very first blog

Well I decided to finally start my own blog (obviously)!! Now I just have to take the time to rack my brain about what to write here. Right now all I can think to mention is the bitter sweetness of school finally ending for this year! I can't wait to finally be done with homework, tests, and PROJECTS!! I am sad to leave my small yet meaningful social life. Although I will see most of my friends at church(!) and band camp (Go Conquerors!!), it's sad to not see some of my other friends. (and get all of the entertaining drama that shoots around the school!) I still can't really believe that I'll actually be a sophomore next year, or that I'm going to start driving this summer!! A few years ago life seemed to be just meandering along and then WHAM! it just started jumping forward. It just reminds me how important everyday and decision is, and that I need to make the most of what God gives me at this very moment.
Well for those of you who actually took the time to read this, I want to thank you! Hopefully I can come up with more to write about soon!